Yoga for Inflexible People

Whether you're an aspiring yogi, looking for a recovery method, or supplementing your training routines, this book is perfect for you. It shows progressions of poses from beginner to advanced, making it useful no matter where you are on your yoga journey.
Yoga for Inflexible People begins with progress photos from people just like you, then delves into the what and why of flexibility. It examines how spine health and physical well-being are connected, gives you breathing exercises and warm-up techniques, then dives into dozens of poses with variations on each of them to match your level of ability.
If you are looking for a yoga book that starts where you are and continues to support you as your practice evolves, this is it. 

How to Practice Yoga
How to Practice Yoga is an online video platform that offers their subscribers unlimited access to yoga, sculpt, meditation, and breathwork classes led by world-class instructors. HTPY publishes new live and on-demand classes every week with monthly yoga series.

Inflexible Yogis
Inflexible Yogis is a 1.4 million strong vibrant community of yoga-pants-wearing, Matcha-tea-drinking yogis and yoga enthusiasts. Though @inflexibleyogis was started as a passion project, it's quickly grown into one of the most followed yoga Instagram accounts in the world.
Check out our eBooks below!
Touch Your Toes and Forward Folds Guide

Struggling to touch your toes or want to deepen your forward folds?
The standing and sitting toe touch is a basic “flexibility test” to measure your level of flexibility – like in PE class! The toe touch is an essential measure of flexibility in your hips and leg muscles.
Do you struggle to touch your toes or do you want to improve your flexibility? Do you want to deepen your forward folds and “pike” position?
In this guide, we’ll focus on hamstring stretches, hip flexor stretches, and lower back stretches to help you achieve this goal!
The Backbends Guide

Whether you’re a beginner, seasoned practitioner, or someone who wants to deepen the practice of backbending/heart opening, you’re in the right place!
Backbends are among the most energizing and exhilarating of the yoga asana poses – they are the postures that create the most openness and freedom in the physical body and beyond.
Backbends are invigorating, heart opening, expansive, and complete a well-rounded yoga practice. Practicing backbends can increase flexibility and strength in the spine, shoulders, and legs. They can also be used to promote good posture and increase the range of motion of the spine.
When done properly, backbends can be very beneficial and help to increase your overall physical wellbeing. Some of the most popular backbends include Upward Bow, Bridge, Bow, Full Wheel, and Camel. We’ll work up to these poses in this guide!
In this guide, we’ll discuss the benefits of backbends, go through warm ups, preps for backbends, intermediate/advanced backbends, backbend recovery, backbend flows and sequences, and so much more!
Let’s begin!
Front Splits Guide

Do the front splits seem elusive to you?
Are you seeing Instagram yogis posting their flexibility photos and want to learn where to begin? Are your hamstrings and hips tight or do you have low back pain?
Look no further!
This training program will help STRENGTHEN as well as increase flexibility to prevent injury in your splits (we don’t want to over-stretch your muscles!)
When you just hold a static stretch without strengthening the muscles and joints, there is a far greater chance of injury, and we want to reduce that to ZERO while getting you to your deepest splits yet!
This guide is divided into sections: dynamic release, stretching (static holds), muscle activation/strengthening (active flexibility). We’ve seen the greatest and safest benefits from working these tools.
Let’s begin!
Yoga Core Guide

Whether you’re here to strengthen your overall yoga practice, decrease back pain, stabilize your spine, prep for arm balance/inversions, or simply to incorporate a fun workout into your routine, you’re in the right place! ​
Core isn't just about your abdominal muscles – it covers your back, obliques, glutes, in addition to your abs! ​
Having a strong core can help you with almost any sport or physical activity, reduce the risk of injury, and help you stay in shape.
The Handstand Guide

Most people are surprised with how close they are to unlocking a solid handstand! If you've ever wanted to master the technique, this e-guide was created just for you. It starts at your current level (whatever that may be) and grows with you, helping you build strength, courage, and trust in yourself.
With the right drills, tips, exercises, central nervous system education, and some persistence, handstands can become an achievable and rewarding part of your practice.
"I already see how much better I'm getting, thanks to your help! It felt so amazing, and I can't wait to keep getting better. Just wanted to say thanks so much for the ebook!"
"Thank you for letting me know that even though I've been cut open down the midline, and my core strength stinks, that if I keep at it I will be able to straighten out!!"
"It was my New Years resolution to learn to do a handstand. Up until today I've been aimlessly kicking up at the wall and ending up like a banana. With advice from your ebook I got my straightest mini-handstand yet!"
Flexibility & Yoga Guide

Flexibility is defined as the range of motion of your joints or the ability of your joints to move freely. Your flexibility is controlled by your central nervous system and embodies the connection between your mind and body; when you improve your physical flexibility, you also improve your mental/emotional flexibility!
Not only will this guide help your joints, it also teaches you how to breathe, gives suggested flows, and provides you with detailed instructions to get into poses safely and avoid injury.
" I’m really happy with the guide Liz has created you can tell she put in a lot of hard work, passion and dedication into her practice and now a book for us! I can’t wait to start and grow maybe one day I’ll be as good as her!"
"This guide is so helpful for my journey for flexibility, health, and inspiration! The book is wonderfully formatted... the tutorial pictures are clear and easy to follow... I love the what, why, and how’s that are included for every subject.... 10/10 would recommend!"
"This is the first flexibility guide I have EVER bought and after looking through it, I am extremely happy I did. It is detailed and makes everything very clear to understand... Thank you for taking the time to create this guide. WORTH EVERY PENNY!
10 Step
Manifestation Guide

You are a spiritual being having a human experience – therefore you have the power to manifest.
You are a co-creator of your reality, working with the Universe to shape your life (whether you know it or not)!
We’re here to guide you as you create the life of your DREAMS through manifestation in this step-by-step guide!
You hold within you the power to change your world and to change the world.
Manifesting your best life = manifesting a better life for those around you!
Within this fully colored workbook and guide, we want to make manifestation accessible and have action steps you can take.
You can have and deserve the life you’ve been dreaming of. We’re cheering you on!
Let’s get started!
Click Below to Look Inside!

What's Inside
30 fully-colored pages
10 step manifestation process
Practical tools to create the life you desire
Releasing Limiting Beliefs
Working with the Law of Attraction
Positive Affirmations
Tips & Tricks on Manifesting
Downloadable onto any of your preferred devices so you can take it anywhere!